Category Archives: article

Bag filter characteristics

High efficiency, especially for fine dust also have higher efficiency, generally for dust purification rate of 99% or less of 5μm, adaptable, able to capture the dust of different nature. For example, for a high resistivity dust, the use of bag ESP on ESP superior. in addition, the dust concentration in the population within a […]

Performance and structure bag house

1, the gas cleaning: gas cleaning by means of high pressure gas or external air backflush filter bag to remove fouling on the bag. Including gas cleaning pulse cleaning, anti-hair cleaning and anti-suction cleaning. 2, the mechanical rapping cleaning: Sectional top rapping cleaning and central rapping cleaning (both in terms of the bag), by means […]

RABH filter bag Features

1000m2 bag arrangement number is the number of rows in the arrangement 2W2; 3000-9000m2 are arranged in rows in 2W4W2 under; 1800m2 is the number of rows in the arrangement under 3W3 about; 10.000m2 is to pass around the pipe arranged in rows under. (W on behalf of the Access) 729 and 734 into the […]

RABH filter bag

Cleaning bag filter bag filter cleaning it is widely used in steel mills, smelters, cement, carbon black plants, power plants and other enterprises smelting, crushing, screening and soot produced by combustion purification and recycling. Blowback bag filter points positive pressure (also known as push-in) and negative pressure (also known as inhaled), described in this specification […]

Baghouse works principle

Bag filter is the most widely used air pollution prevention and control dust, but also the most efficient dust precipitator. Process bag filter dust: dusty gas from the inlet port into the middle of the box into the bag from the outer and inner bags, dust blocked in the outer surface of the bag, clean […]

Baghouse design elements(4)

Inlet dust concentration Inlet dust concentration often dusty quality standard state volume, said on the inlet dust concentration, baghouse design should make the following considerations (1) Equipment resistance and cleaning cycle. Inlet dust concentration increases, the same filter area, the device also increases the resistance in order to maintain a certain degree of resistance of […]

Baghouse design elements(3)

Gas components Except in special circumstances, the gas bag filter being handled, mostly ambient air or furnace flue gas, normally baghouse design by process air is calculated only in density, viscosity, heat capacity and other parameters related to the design of wind turbine power performance and pipe resistance computing and cooling apparatus, before considering the […]