Baghouse operation (2)

Daily operations In the daily operation of the bag filter, since the operating conditions, certain changes occur, or some failure, will affect the normal operation of equipment status and performance, should be regularly inspected and appropriate regulatory purpose is to extend filter bag life, lower power consumption and recovery of useful materials. Attention problems are: […]

Baghouse operation (1)

Commissioning In the new baghouse commissioning, should pay particular attention to check the following points: 1, the direction of rotation of the fan, speed, vibration and bearing temperature. 2, the air volume and pressure for each test point and the temperature is consistent with the design. 3, installation of the filter bag after use if […]

PTFE dust bag can be clean ?

Q:PTFE dust bag can be clean ? A:No. Because the surface above water and oil . PTFE filter. The filter has a non-stick , heat resistance ( continuous use between 240 ℃ ~ 260 ℃), Slidability ( low friction coefficient ) , Moisture resistance ( surface above water and oil ) , Abrasion resistance , […]

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Nomex and Aramid

Nomex is a registered trademark for flame-resistant meta-aramid material developed in the early 1960s by DuPont and first marketed in 1967. Properties Nomex and related aramid polymers are related to nylon, but have aromatic backbones, and hence are more rigid and more durable. Nomex is the premier example of a metavariant of the aramids (Kevlar […]

Bag filter characteristics

High efficiency, especially for fine dust also have higher efficiency, generally for dust purification rate of 99% or less of 5μm, adaptable, able to capture the dust of different nature. For example, for a high resistivity dust, the use of bag ESP on ESP superior. in addition, the dust concentration in the population within a […]

Performance and structure bag house

1, the gas cleaning: gas cleaning by means of high pressure gas or external air backflush filter bag to remove fouling on the bag. Including gas cleaning pulse cleaning, anti-hair cleaning and anti-suction cleaning. 2, the mechanical rapping cleaning: Sectional top rapping cleaning and central rapping cleaning (both in terms of the bag), by means […]

Application of geotextile

Q: What is the application of geotextile? A: 1.Subgrade, road (roads, railways, airports) and stabilize the ground; 2.Reinforcing the soft ground road and rail; 3.Dams, reinforcement and protection block wall surface; 4.Beaches and marshes reclaimed material and reinforcement material drainage. cheap jerseys I secured 2 tickets to both the final game at the stadium last […]

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What glue can bond PTFE with the iron?

Q:What  glue can bond PTFE  with the iron? A:PTFE having a non-stick and self- lubricating, so the need for a surface treatment before they can be bonded , the most common treatment is sodium Chennai process ( chemical means ) , but also more mature manner processed and change the color and physical properties of […]

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