Principles of thread tension of sewing equipment

Sewing equipment suture tension principle is mainly through a certain threading path and device to obtain tension after the formation of stitches, the use of this principle of tension, sewing equipment designers can find a reasonable form of threading, the operator can find the tension adjustment method.
Sewing equipment suture tension principle has three main aspects:
1. Sutures only in a reasonable state of tension to maintain the required shape;
2. Suture in the sewing equipment through the surface tension and tension device;
3. The best sewing equipment suture tension is to meet the technological requirements of the situation, the smaller the better the peak suture tension, the smaller the better the tension fluctuations.
Sewing equipment on the use of tension in the principle of the main areas: the change in line with the amount of adjustment; stitch formation; coil shape adjustment and so on.