How to clean RO RO water equipment RO membrane

Use of chemical cleaning RO water membrane machine
In this case,
1. Add enzyme detergent, with enzyme detergent film, the organic pollution, especially for protein, oil and other organic pollution is particularly effective, if the 50 ℃ -60 ℃ better cleaning effect, the general operation of the 10 Day or half a month with 1% enzyme detergent at low pressure on the membrane under a clean, because the use of enzyme detergent concentration is low, so a longer time required for immersion.
In this case,
Citric acid solution, in high pressure or low pressure, with 1% -2% aqueous solution of citric acid on the membrane continuous or cycle washing, this method of Fe (OH) 3 pollution has a good cleaning effect.
In this case,
2. Brine, severely punish the limbs of the membrane using brine cleaning is effective, this is because the high concentration of salt can reduce the interaction between the colloid to promote the formation of colloidal colloidal agglomeration.
In this case,
3. Hydrogen peroxide solution, for example 0.5L, 30% H2O2 diluted with 12L deionized water, and then cleaning the membrane surface, this method is particularly effective for organic pollution.
In this case,
4. Water-soluble emulsion, used to clean oil and iron oxide pollution of the film is very effective, generally clean 30-60 minutes.
In this case,
The use of physical principles to implement cleaning
In this case,
The simplest physical cleaning method is the use of low-pressure high flow into the membrane through water rinse for 30 minutes, which can make the membrane permeability to a certain degree of recovery, but a long time, water permeability is still low, can also be mixed with water and air The flushing of the membrane surface at low pressure for 15 minutes with a fluid is effective in cleaning films contaminated with organic matter at this initial stage.