Filter media and filter aid

1. Filter medium? The main role of filter media is to support the filter cake, must have a porous structure, sufficient mechanical strength and flow resistance as small as possible, corrosion resistance.
In this case,
Commonly used filter media are of the following types:
In this case,
① fabric media, such as industrial filter cloth, metal mesh;
In this case,
② granular media, such as perlite powder, cellulose, diatomaceous earth and so on;
In this case,
③ solid cardboard, such as decolorized wood cardboard, synthetic fiber boards;
In this case,
④ filter membrane, composed of cellulose and other polymers. Granular media is used as a filter aid in pre-coating the surface of the fabric medium for coarse filtration; solid cardboard media for semi-fine filter and fine filter; filter media for fine filtration and ultra-fine filter.