And a method for improving the filtration efficiency of the filter

Filter is now in many industrial production has played an important role in the effective removal of particulate matter or suspended solids, so that the need to filter the material to be filtered and purified, the filter is more clean. Filtration of the filter is a delicate thing, the filter before the use of the preparatory work and routine maintenance work will directly affect the efficiency of filter use and service life. Today, we will come and talk about how to improve the filtration efficiency of the filter, I hope you can refer to our introduction.
In this case,
There are many factors which affect the filtration efficiency of the filter. Usually, in order to make the filter have good filtering effect, we generally choose the lower flow rate to operate, because the slower the flow rate, the better the filtration efficiency. We do not change the structure of the filter during the filtration process because the filtration effect of the filter is affected when the structure of the membrane is moved. Once the structure of the membrane has changed, its particles and fibers will be precipitated from the filter.
In this case,
At the same time, the particle type of the filter material also has certain influence on the filtration efficiency of the filter. In general, we will filter particles are divided into two categories, namely deformable and non-deformable. Deformable particles will be in the process of filtering its pressure by the impact of which will block the filter filter holes, it will affect the filtering effect. In addition, the choice of filter membrane is also very important in the same pore size of the filter membrane, the filter produced by different manufacturers of their filtration effect is different