What are the options for HEPA filters?

Air Filter The internal automatic drain and external automatic drain are used to automatically remove the oil, water and dust mixture filtered by the filter element from the filter, reducing the human factors affecting the filtration efficiency of the system. Differential pressure gauge, differential pressure gauge, electronic pressure indicator to guide the replacement of filter time. The level indicator is used to indicate the amount of mixed contaminants in the oil, water, dust, etc. inside the filter (to monitor the operation of the internal automatic drain and to instruct manual manual blowdown).
In this case,
HEPA filter replacement cycle to determine how? Filter replacement cycle determined by its pressure drop, in general, pressure drop over 0.68kgf / cm2, the filter pointer pointer to the red red zone, or work full 6000- 8000 hours (one year) to be replaced. Activated carbon filter is detected in the downstream to replace the smell.