Bag filter elements using

Commissioning new baghouse commissioning, should pay particular attention to check the following points: 1, the direction of rotation of the fan, speed, vibration and bearing temperature. 2, the air volume and pressure for each test point and the temperature is consistent with the design. 3, installation of the filter bag after use if there is out bags, promoted, wear occurs, can be put into operation visually to determine chimney emissions. 4, pay attention to whether there is dew chamber bags, ash system is smooth. To prevent clogging and corrosion, fouling can affect a host of serious production. 5, adjustment and cleaning cleaning cycle time, this work is an important factor about dust capture performance and operating conditions. Cleaning time is too long, will be cleared off the adhered dust layer off the bag a cause leaks and damage. If the cleaning time is too short, the dust bag is not yet clear drop off, on the restoration of filtering operations, will soon recover and resistance gradually increased, which eventually affect its results. Two cleaning interval, said cleaning cycle, cleaning cycle is generally desirable as long as possible some of that dust resistance can operate under the conditions of the economy. Therefore, we must dust properties, dust concentration, etc. carefully studied, and according to different cleaning methods to determine the cleaning cycle and time, and in the commissioning parameters adjusted to achieve better cleaning. At the beginning of the operation time, often there will be some previously unforeseen circumstances, for example, a new device will appear abnormal temperature, pressure, moisture and other damage. Dramatic changes in the gas temperature will cause fan shaft deformation, resulting in imbalance, the operation will vibrate. Once stopped, the temperature dropped sharply, when it will re-start to vibrate. The best selection of different types of fans depending on the gas temperature. Equipment commissioning will directly affect whether it can be put into normal operation, if handled improperly, the bag filter is likely to quickly lose their effectiveness, so do commissioning equipment must be careful and prudent. Two daily runs daily operations baghouse, since the operating conditions, certain changes occur, or some failure, will affect the normal operation of equipment status and performance, should be regularly inspected and appropriate regulation, purpose is to extend filter bag life, lower power consumption and recovery of useful materials. Attention: 1, log 2, fluid resistance 3, 4 security, to stop work Precautions 5 Maintenance 5.1 should always check the control valve, pulse valves and timers action case. Prevent condensation 5.2 5.3 5.4 prevent fire and explosion prevention to reduce the collection efficiency

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